Monday, March 16, 2020 NW Crows with a Prize!

Seward, Alaska

As the tide crept in to close the pantry, a flock of NORTHWESTERN CROWS worked the exposed beach by Scheffler Creek. While others found mussels, one found a real prize: a shiny metal cap of some sort. 

The delighted NW Crow paraded it around, then flew high into the blue sky and dropped it onto the rocks below. Swiftly following its descent, the NW Crow did not show disappointment to find it one tough shell to crack. Instead, he/she snatched it up and repeatedly flew high and higher, holding on with bill and feet, pecking midair as if it might need a bit more persuasion.

The shiny prize never opened, of course, but it sure was entertaining for me and maybe the NW Crow.

What proved really fascinating, albeit disturbing, was a NW Crow with a straight but abnormally long lower mandible. He/she stole the prize momentarily before the original owner reclaimed it. I haven’t noticed this individual before, though I usually look for, and rarely find, NW Crows with deformed bills.

Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter

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