Seward, Alaska
Sunrise 7:41 am, sunset 6:38 pm for a total day length of 10 hours and 57 minutes. Tomorrow will be 5 minutes and 29 seconds longer.
After a week of rain, sn’rain, slush, and yesterday, about 4” of wet snow, today dawned bright. Gauzy clouds lingered against the snowy mountains, reluctant to leave. Welcome, warm sunshine illuminated the spectacular scenery all around. The wind napped, resting up for tomorrow’s forecasted NNW winds 10-20 mph, and clouds.
Midday low tides opened up access to Afognak Beach where I enjoyed watching 24 ROCK SANDPIPERS and one DUNLIN chitter and forage along the ebbing tideline. They stuck together like grannies at a garage sale, anxious to see what treasures everyone else was finding, worried about missing out. A few SHORT-BILLED GULLS wandered among them, towering over the busy shorebirds.
MALLARDS dabbled in the intertidal streams and a horde of AMERICAN CROWS plundered the freshly washed tidelands. An adult BALD EAGLE cried stridently from a treetop. All seemed to rejoice in the gorgeous, calm day and reprieve from the dismal weather.
Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter
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