Sunday, September 22, 2024 Fall Equinox Bull Moose in Town

Seward, Alaska 

Sunrise 7:44 am, sunset 7:58 pm for a total day length of 12 hours and 13 minutes. Tomorrow will be 5 minutes and 25 seconds shorter. As usual, it takes a few more spins of the globe to actually reach equal day and night, but we celebrate with the rest of the world.

This afternoon, I donned my raincoat and went outside for a walk, not thinking any further than that. But my neighbor was intently taking photos of something across the street. A young bull moose with an impressive rack was strolling across the front lawn of the hospital! Emergency room staff popped out to take photos and videos as he passed, heading south down First Ave. 

We are accustomed to cow moose, often with calves in town, but a bull moose is very unusual. Does he know hunting season has begun and hunting is not allowed in city limits? 

I hurried back inside, grabbed my camera, then hopped in the car and refound him a block away on a nice, green lawn. His gleaming copper-colored antlers looked brand new, freshly scrubbed of its protective velvet. There he squatted, urinating for a very long time, (ahhhhh), then stirred up the anointed grass and dirt with his front hooves, making a potent perfumed bed. After nuzzling it into his fur to his satisfaction, he snorted loudly (oh!) and then lay down for a rest.

Apparently, the arrangement wasn’t quite right, so he got up and adjusted it again, then laid down facing another direction. The exertion caused steam to shoot out of his nostrils as he breathed, angled out like a fabled dragon. Wow! He looked regal.

I hope he enjoyed a nice rest on this urban lawn. Last report, he was up and walking farther south, past a rather busy apartment complex, probably causing more ripples of excitement in his wake.

An hour later, I spotted a momma moose with her small calf quietly feeding at Two Lakes Park, almost hidden in the leaves. I immediately retreated, abandoning all plans for the walk. She was more intimidating than the bull, knowing how very protective mommas can be without any provocation.

Happy Moose Day!

Carol Griswold

Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter

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