Friday, June 14, 2024 Swainson’s Thrush, finally

Seward, Alaska


Sunrise 4:34 am, sunset 11:24 pm for a total day length of 18 hours and 50 minutes. Tomorrow will be 1 minute and 4 seconds longer as we approach Summer Solstice on June 20.


After a chilly and damp spring, today truly felt like summer with sunny skies and temps rocketing into the high 60s, possibly even 70º. The brisk north-northwest wind felt good for a change.


I biked into the wind along Exit Glacier Road this morning, listening for birds above the rustling of the leaves. I tried once again to conjure up a Swainson’s Thrush by imagining its upward spiraling song. About a mile into Kenai Fjords National Park, I screeched to a halt (one of the perks of biking.) A SWAINSON’S THRUSH, hidden in the thickets nearby, called several times, a very distinctive sound described as a low, liquid “quip” or “pwip.” Then it sang, just as I had imagined. Yay! My First-of-Season Swainson’s Thrush!


At the Exit Glacier parking lot turnaround, I spied a male ROBIN hunting in the gravel near the last vestiges of snow. In the distance, I heard a VARIED THRUSH, several HERMIT THRUSHES, RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS, FOX SPARROWS, and a RAVEN. I listened hard for a Gray-cheeked Thrush without success. Maybe next time.


As the north wind propelled me effortlessly back down the road, I heard all six common warbler species: YELLOW-RUMPED, YELLOW, ORANGE-CROWNED, WILSON’S, NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH, and finally a TOWNSEND’S. Also, COMMON REDPOLLS calling overhead. 


Against all expectations, BALD EAGLES again returned to their giant nest in a cottonwood that was spared from the clearcut in the campground along Exit Glacier Road. Nest fidelity is strong. Seeing the regal adult perched on the nest with the blue sky and snow-draped mountain backdrop was a lovely finale to my bike ride.


More sunshine is in the forecast for the next three days. Enjoy this pre-summer special!


Happy Birding!

Carol Griswold

Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter




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