Seward, Alaska
Sunrise 4:58 am, civil
twilight 3:44 am, sunset 10:51 pm for a total day length of 17 hours and 53
minutes. Tomorrow will be 3 minutes and 59 seconds longer.
Technically it was still
night at 3:45 am when the good dog roused me from my warm bed to let her out.
Was I ever glad! As noted above, it was civil twilight time, not at all dark,
and I opened the door to glorious concert in progress.
Close by in a spruce, a ROBIN
held center stage, his sweet melody dominating the chorus. His counterpart down
the street answered in turn, just as sweetly. In the shrubs, a FOX SPARROW
cheerfully piped up as did his rival a block away. ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLERS let
loose a cascade of tumbling trills while the YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS rolled
their song at a more relaxed pace.
In the distance, the serene
notes of the HERMIT THRUSH fell like gentle raindrops on a reflecting pond,
soothing the spirit. Each virtuoso seemed to follow a master score, listening
and waiting for their turn in a timeless, grand performance.
As I listened and marveled in
my nightie at the threshold of a brand new day, I wondered if dinosaurs sang.
We will never know, but their descendants seem to have the benefit of millions
of years of practice to reach this stage of perfection.
Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report
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