Seward, Alaska
Sunrise 6:52 am, sunset 9:06
pm for a total day length of 14 hours and 13 minutes. Tomorrow will be 5
minutes and 28 seconds longer.
Squalls this past week
delivered a smorgasbord of rain, snow, hail, sunshine cameos, strong winds, white
caps and heavy surf. Cold air funneled
down from the north, turning April showers into more snow than we had all
winter. Daytime temperatures in the high 30s and low 40s soon melted it off in
town, but the mountains are still clad in fresh white. It’s a very cool spring
so far.
Nonetheless, many shrubs
including elderberries and blueberries are budding out, joining the willows
that began flowering in the false spring in February. Stoneflies and
caddisflies hatched out from clear creeks a few days ago. I even saw a wolf
spider on the snow, hungry and quick.
This past week, I have heard
more PACIFIC WRENS singing in the forest than ever. The VARIED THRUSHES
continue to sing, but it seems that the large numbers have diminished, perhaps
due to migration. PINE GROSBEAKS are also still around, but harder to find,
except at Ava’s Place. The WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS numbers are also down.
April 2, a pair of LESSER
SCAUP popped up at Lagoon with the usual MALLARDS, COMMON MERGANSERS, and
COMMON GOLDENEYES. The two resident TRUMPETER SWAN cygnets, about 10 months
old, are on their own, and occasionally feed here. Their plumage is getting
much whiter, but the head is still brownish-gray.
plumage are moving into the bay. COMMON MURRES are very common in the bay just
offshore, and continue to be the #1 meal for BALD EAGLES. Murre carcasses are
washed up at every beach, or scattered on the ground in town under favorite
dining trees. It is strange that the murres are starving and suffering while so
many other seabirds seem to find food.
April 4, sunny! A pair of
DIPPERS shared a mountain stream, one singing its gurgling stream song. As
these birds are very territorial, perhaps they are a pair thinking about family
matters. A NORTHERN SHRIKE perched on a fallen tree sang a surprisingly sweet
April 7, Robin C reported a
GLAUCOUS GULL at the Uplands, and 2 THAYER’S GULLS at Lowell Point between the
April 8, Robin reported 2First
Of Spring CANADA GEESE. Also spotted were 2 NORTHERN SHOVELERS with increasing
numbers of NORTHERN PINTAILS. I heard a GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW singing its "O, dear me!", but it
may be one that over-wintered.
singing in the snowstorm. Such optimists!
The overwintered TRUMPETER
SWAN parents continued work on their nest at Mile 1 Nash Road in about the same
spot as last summer. They looked like angelic white excavators; the male pulled
up dead grasses and swiveled smoothly to deliver to the female who added them
to the nest, back and forth like geared clockwork. They have about a 2-month
start over last year. The STELLER’S EIDER male spotted, still hanging out with
April 10, Robin found a FOS HARLAN’S HAWK being harassed by crows, Steller’s jays, and magpies. I found 3
CANADA GEESE, a single SNOW BUNTING, 4 AMERICAN PIPITS, and wonder of wonders,
a single FOS GREATER YELLOWLEGS, "Tew! Tew! Tew!" How any of these birds survived the tremendous
winds, hail, and squalls is unfathomable. They are tough survivors!
April 11, frost on the ground
this morning, but sunny with blue skies until early evening. (Un)COMMON
serenaded from the forest at the edge of the Marathon Trail. Nine TRUMPETER
SWANS reported by the Trail River Bridge north of town, standing on ice.
It’s quite a conundrum,
wanting to hear and see the migrating birds, but not wanting them to risk flying through squalls,
hail, and snowstorms. Spring may be wintery, but it is irrepressible. The birds
are too. I’ll be waiting and watching, hoping, and cheering.
Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report
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