Seward, Alaska
Usually when the clouds roll
in, the temperature rises. But not today. The thermometer plunged to 9º, which
is very chilly for Seward. Wispy ghosts of steam danced down the bay, propelled
by the last gasps of the fierce north wind.
I did not hear the VARIED
THRUSH above the roar of the wind on Saturday, but sure enough, a couple brave
males were singing this morning despite the cold.
This noon, bundled up and barely
able to operate my camera, I chanced upon a BALD EAGLE with icicles covering
its throat feathers and one hanging from the tip of its bill. The heavy ice
pulling on its feathers must have felt terrible! Brrrr! Tough bird!
Later, when almost to my
driveway, I pulled over to watch at least 22 very hungry and fluffed up ROBINS
hopping along the street eating gravel, and probing the almost green, frozen
lawn under some spruce trees. The males are really handsome with their bright
brick red breasts, white eye-ring, and yellow bill. If they weren’t so common,
we’d probably appreciate them more.
I heard the familiar chirrrr
of a BOHEMIAN WAXWING and found the elegant bird in the almost-barren Mt Ash
trees with 4 PINE GROSBEAKS.
How these birds manage to
survive the cold days and even colder nights is a testament to the wonder of
feathers. As long as they can find calories, they greet the next new morning
with gladness and hop to it. Some, like the Varied Thrushes are suitably inspired
to sing. Now there’s a lesson in gratitude!
Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report