Monday, January 26, 2015 Icicle Eagle and Fluffed up Robins

Seward, Alaska

Usually when the clouds roll in, the temperature rises. But not today. The thermometer plunged to 9º, which is very chilly for Seward. Wispy ghosts of steam danced down the bay, propelled by the last gasps of the fierce north wind.

I did not hear the VARIED THRUSH above the roar of the wind on Saturday, but sure enough, a couple brave males were singing this morning despite the cold.

This noon, bundled up and barely able to operate my camera, I chanced upon a BALD EAGLE with icicles covering its throat feathers and one hanging from the tip of its bill. The heavy ice pulling on its feathers must have felt terrible! Brrrr! Tough bird!

Later, when almost to my driveway, I pulled over to watch at least 22 very hungry and fluffed up ROBINS hopping along the street eating gravel, and probing the almost green, frozen lawn under some spruce trees. The males are really handsome with their bright brick red breasts, white eye-ring, and yellow bill. If they weren’t so common, we’d probably appreciate them more.

I heard the familiar chirrrr of a BOHEMIAN WAXWING and found the elegant bird in the almost-barren Mt Ash trees with 4 PINE GROSBEAKS.

How these birds manage to survive the cold days and even colder nights is a testament to the wonder of feathers. As long as they can find calories, they greet the next new morning with gladness and hop to it. Some, like the Varied Thrushes are suitably inspired to sing. Now there’s a lesson in gratitude!

Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter

Sunday, January 25, 2015 Steller's Eider and Black-legged Kittiwakes

Sunday, January 25, 2015 Steller’s Eider and Black-legged Kittiwakes
Seward, Alaska

Sunny but cold  in the mid teens, and a howling north wind to 26 mph and gusts to 40 mph. I finally found the STELLER' S EIDER again, conveniently located right in front of Spring Creek Beach at Mile 5 Nash Road. He was loosely in the company of the HARLEQUINS, but they were hanging out with BARROW'S and COMMON GOLDENEYES, and COMMON MERGANSERS close to shore, taking salt water baths and a break from the brunt of the wind. SURF SCOTERS and PELAGIC CORMORANTS dove farther off shore, riding the whitecaps. 

A mixed flock of about 50 gulls swooped and soared on the wind, including GLAUCOUS-WINGED, MEW, and at least one or more BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKES, new for 2015, and earlier than usual. The nearby seafood processing plant was in operation and unloading a boat, which probably helped to attract all the bird action. 

Happy Birding! 
Carol Griswold 
Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter 

Saturday, January 24, 2015 Swans, Tree Sparrow, Purple Finch

Sunrise 9:29 am, sunset 4:50 pm, for a total day length of 7 hours and 20 minutes. Tomorrow will be 4 minutes and 37 seconds longer.

Our first snowfall of the year on Thursday was pathetic, not even covering the tips of the still-green grass blades. Under cover of darkness, a scant inch of snow fell, giving the plows something to practice on. When it warmed just a few degrees all that potential turned to cold rain and ice. Bah!

Today, the blasting north wind returned and the temperature again dropped to the mid-20s. A deeper plunge into the teens with strong north wind 20-35 mph with gusts to 50 mph is forecast for tonight and Sunday. The wind sure makes it miserable for humans and birds alike.

Whether rain, snow, sleet, or clear, there are four VARIED THRUSHES that sing every morning in my neighborhood, sometimes in chorus. It is a bit odd, but inspiring nonetheless, and their striking orange and black coloration brightens any day. About 15 ROBINS were here this morning with a few VARIED THRUSHES, chased around by five STELLER’S JAYS who had nothing better to do.

I checked the Mile 1 Nash Road wetlands this afternoon and found the TRUMPETER SWAN family of four at the back near a bit of open water. The cygnets and one adult were napping on the ice, heads tucked into their warm feathers, braced against the fierce wind. The other adult was feeding, but kept a watchful eye over its family. It’s a tough time and bound to get worse when the wetlands freeze completely.

Ava’s Place is now an official eBird Hotspot, and with good reason. I enjoyed watching her increasing flock of scrappy little PINE SISKINS scrabble for sunflower seeds on the ground with the much larger PINE GROSBEAKS. Nervous, they repeatedly flew frantically up to the nearby cottonwoods and then quickly returned, another false alarm. With this many birds, there’s likely to be a predator around, but I didn’t see one.

One of those return flights delivered a handsome AMERICAN TREE SPARROW with his bicolored black and yellow bill, “tie-tack”, and warm chestnut browns. He hopped about, dodging the siskins, grabbing whatever bits he could find.

Another flurry included the PURPLE FINCH, so much larger than either the tree sparrow or siskins, and with such a chunky bill. He seemed quite comfortable feeding on the ground with the rest of the mixed flock, and often, perhaps dangerously, chose to stay rather than beat a quick exit with the others.

Recently, Kit and Janet D saw a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET dash in and out among the regulars. One never knows what will show up at Ava’s!

Even a little icy snow makes scavenging harder for the birds and the feeders are a welcome source of calories; keep yours full of sunflower seeds and suet. And if you enjoy Ava’s birds, please consider bringing some sunflower seeds to share with all those hungry birds.

Happy Brrrrding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report Reporter