Seward Alaska Sporadic Bird
Sunrise 5:11 am, sunset 10:55
pm, length of day 17 hours, 44 minutes. Tomorrow will be 4 minutes and 15
seconds shorter.
Incredible sunny weather
continued with highs today in the mid-70s and a welcome north wind to help
deflect the hungry, biting flies.
Ava called to report a family
of RED CROSSBILLS at her porch feeders. She hadn't seen them previously, so we
wonder where they were nesting. When I visited later in the afternoon, two
streaky juveniles were busy cracking open sunflower seeds that had fallen from
the railing feeders to the porch deck.
At first glance, they looked
like the many PINE SISKINS that were also hopping around, cracking open
sunflower seeds. The have about the same coloration, streaky, with yellow
tinges. But the crossbills have such a large head in proportion to their bodies,
and they are taller and bulkier. Then there's that amazing bill that looks like
the poor bird must have hit a window hard to knock the two halves asunder. But
what a tremendous seed-cracker! The juveniles knew just how to maneuver the
seed in place with their tongue, then apply the right amount of pressure
to open it up. A few dexterous flips and the oily contents were down the hatch.
This can be better appreciated by trying it yourself. Those seeds are very,
very hard!
A gorgeous, apricot-colored
male perched in the leafy coolness of a young Mayday tree nearby, quite content
to just relax and watch his youngsters feed themselves. Meanwhile, the harried
VIOLET-GREEN SWALLOW parents flew frantically about gathering insects
(hopefully a lot of those darn flies!) to stuff into their babies' gaping
beaks. This batch was still in the nest, tucked into the porch roof soffit. Other
area swallow families have fledged and are feeding themselves; the late spring
really spread out the nesting cycle.
The flurry of activity of the
cheeping swallow babies, the HAIRY and DOWNY WOODPECKERS, CHESTNUT-BACKED and
CROSSBILLS suddenly ceased. All the birds on the porch froze in place. I heard
the alarm cries of swallows and quickly left the porch to look up. Sure enough,
a SHARP-SHINNED HAWK cruised high overhead, harassed by the brave swallow
parents. It soon moved on, and slowly the birds resumed feeding, always
watching and listening for danger.
Back home, I enjoyed watching
the activity at my birdbath. The birds really enjoy the cool running water
during these hot days, stopping to get a drink, and then a dunk. The nearby
spruce trees twittered with invisible TOWNSEND'S WARBLERS, then first a
beautiful male, then a juvenile cautiously came down to take a bath. A young
CHESTNUT-BACKED CHICKADEE waited its turn, always deferential. An
ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER dashed in and out. ROBINS and STELLER'S JAYS barged in
and took a turn. The birds looked so disheveled afterwards, but pleased. I am
glad to provide this little oasis for them.
Ava welcomes birders, no need
to call or knock. Take the first left off Nash Road onto Salmon Creek Road, go
over Salmon Creek bridge and take an immediate right. Drive to the end of the
long driveway to the cedar-sided house with the blue roof and all the birds.
Happy Birding!
Carol Griswold
Seward Sporadic Bird Report